Summer is for vacation, right?

Hey, not to state the obvious, but I think I’ll let you in on a little secret.  I haven’t been around much on the inter-webs lately. Socking Shocking, I know.  Heh, I have been doing quite a bit of sock knitting too, but I can’t talk about a lot of it yet, because it’s going to be coming out in a few different places in the next months.  Details when I can talk about them, I promise.

So what’s been happening?  Well, let’s just say this is a bit of a story, so I’m breaking this up into two posts.

Last week Michael and I went on a short vacation in honor of his birthday to Ashland, VA, and then continued on to Richmond, VA and finally to his parents who live outside of Chapel Hill, NC.

The common question I was asked when I told people where we were going was, “Why Ashland?”

Well, if you look at Ashland on a map, it doesn’t seem to have much going for it.  It’s small, the town history is rather brief, as there have been no real major events in the town.  No one famous was born or died there.  No battles were fought, no slave uprisings or protests.  It’s a pretty quiet town.

Well, quiet in one way.  In other ways?  Not so much.  Because CSX has a train line that runs right through mainstreet.

And that meant there were trains.  Michael loves trains.

Michael and I have a list (we actually have many lists) of places we see when going someplace (say his parents) that we would like to stop and see one day.  It can be a restaurant, an antique store, a town, a museum  battlefield, anything really.  Ashland was one of them.  We have passed through Ashland every time we take the train to Michael’s parents.  The reason we take note of it is because Main Street is bisected by the train rails.  So there’s one lane of traffic, the rails, and another lane of traffic.  It seemed like a quirky town, with a general store that’s been operating for 120 odd years, old architecture and a quiet southern feel.

It was lovely.  We spent two nights (three days) in the town.  We visited a coffee shop, used bookstore (I found a few gems) and model train store.  We went to the Iron Horse, which had some of the most delicious food I’ve ever had the honor of encountering.  Seriously.  I’ve been to some good restaurants in DC, restaurants run by chefs from shows on TV, ones that have been written up in magazines.  This place ranked above them.  There was this chocolate pave (I think the word was) that blew my mind.  Also, gnocchi that was savory and rich, but the serving was just enough not not be overwhelming.  The almond encrusted chicken I had struck just the right notes with the mashed potatoes and green beans I had with it.  Seriously good.

The hotel we stayed at, The Henry Clay Inn, overlooks main street.  And it has a southern style porch, two floors.  After lunch, we plunked ourselves out on the porch, and Michael watched trains go by.  Me?  I swatched.  I had originally hoped to get yarns from a few different companies so I could work on some design deadlines that I have due later this month.  (It’s going to be a rather frantic few weeks).  For good or ill, they did not arrive by the time I left, so that meant I brought yarn to dream and plan.  I swatched for a few different design calls, and then, when I was done with that, I got to work on my own stuff!

I’m working on a doily to go on the hutch Michael and I are slowly refinishing.  I’m doing something freehand, which is entirely wonderful.  There’s some things I do in my own work that I sometimes find to hard to describe to people who read my patterns, so when I’m designing for magazines I sometimes follow conventions instead of doing what *I* like to do.  When I’m working my own projects, I’m also free to brainstorm ideas that aren’t firm enough to become a design proposal yet, but I need to work out on a piece.  It’s a quirk of mine that even my swatches have the potential to become part of other projects, or part of samples for teaching lessons.  I like everything to have at least two purposes.

One of the best parts of the trip was just watching Michael geek out over trains.  One of the most lovely things about him is that he brings the mind of a historian and researcher to almost everything he does.  So taking a trip to a train town means I get a guided exposition about train history.  Any question  I could have about trains, Michael can probably answer.  If he doesn’t know the answer to it, he knows where to find it.  I love that about him, because it always makes it incredibly interesting to talk to him about what he’s pasionate about.  This trip, Michael had recorded all scheduled trains that were supposed to go through the town.  Then, he tracked in a journal if they were running on time, late, their engine numbers, and a bunch of other information (so he can report back to his train friends on the Amtrak Forums).

 Since I do the same things with yarn, I guess it’s fair.

Inspirations and Influences: Sunburst Shawl

You ever have a situation where you can trace exactly when a thought entered your head?  I can remember the exact moment that the idea for the Sunburst Shawl entered my head.  It was over a discussion of Fibonacci numbers and crochet, and I misspoke.  I meant to ask if it was possible to do a crochet technique in the round, and instead I said broomstick.

My friend replied she had never seen it done before, and I realized and corrected my mispeak, but the idea was then in my head.  WAS it possible?

But really, in some ways, I think the inspiration for the Sunburst Shawl goes back even further.

The Sunburst Shawl owes much of its inspiration to knitting.  Gasp!  It’s shocking, I know.

One of my favorite things to do is knit socks with the magic loop.  I’ve never been a big fan of knitting on straights, and while I like working on two circulars and did that for about a year, I started wanting my needles to have more than just one purpose.  I got into the magic loop because with a longer needle you can do big projects, but you can also use the magic loop to do small projects in knitting.

At the same time I’d also gotten interested in historical patterns, and both broomstick and hairpin lace.  Both techniques seemed like a great way to make quick crochet patterns with stunning results.  The only problem was that most people who were using these techniques were doing things similar to Doris Chan’s exploded lace.  They were working the techniques in worsted weight yarn.

I was interested in doing the work in something closer to lace-weight.  While lace is still far off from some of the weight yarn historical patterns were made in (especially with crochet) I thought it would highlight the open-ness of the broomstick stitches in a way that a thicker yarn would not.

This, combined with  the conversation I mentioned earlier in The Yarn Spot cemented the idea in my head.  It took a few months more of peculating, and a design call that spoke to me, to have everything align correctly.

I’d like to do more with the broomstick crochet in the round, both because I happen to like round things, and also because I think it’s wonderful to be able to take advantage of technologies that weren’t available before.

Besides, I like to do things that nobody else has thought to do yet.

Really? USOC has stepped in it.

I try for the most part to not get involved in much of the internet flare-ups that happen.  There are many things on the internet to get mad about, and most of them I don’t feel are worth my time.

But the USOC’s antics got me really angry yesterday.  For those of you who have been living under a log (or perhaps are just not paying attention to GawkerAbout.comNPR or dozzens of other news sites of various sizes – #Ravelympics was even trending on Twitter), the USOC sent a cease and desist letter to Ravelry, a knitting and crochet online community.  They were defending their copyright and intellectual rights, which while I don’t necessarily agree with how they approached it, I understand is important.  As a designer and writer myself, copyright issues are near and dear to my heart.  I have no problem with them doing that.  What I do have a problem with is the tone they have taken in the letter, which comes across as condecending and RUDE.

Then, today, when they realized that they may have gotten oh, about 2 million plus people very angry (seriously, go check out the USOC’s Facebook page) they issued an apology, which wasn’t really a good apology.  They say “The letter sent to the organizers of the Ravelympics was a standard-form cease and desist letter that explained why we need to protect our trademarks in legal terms. Rest assured, as an organization that has many passionate knitters, we never intended to make this a personal attack on the knitting community or to suggest that knitters are not supportive of Team USA.”


IF you didn’t mean to make a personal attack on us, why they heck did you say that “We believe using the name “Ravelympics” for a competition that involves an afghan marathon, scarf hockey and sweater triathlon, among others, tends to denigrate the true nature of the Olympic Games.  In a sense, it is disrespectful to our country’s finest athletes and fails to recognize or appreciate their hard work.”

FIRST OF ALL, anything I do doesn’t lessen the amount of work someone else does to accomplish anything.  SECOND, the tone of that statement implies that you value sports and athletics more than fiberworks and the arts, which is really asinine of you.  I think sports are pretty stupid sometimes, but I don’t go around publicly dissing someone else’s passion.  That is unkind.

FINALLY, you could have worded your apology better.  I get that the cease and desist letter was written as one business to another, and you probably didn’t expect it to be posted online, and for people to get angry.  But the apology was public and more directed to the upset knitters/crocheters.  Next time, try to talk to a few knitters/crocheters before you write the apology… asking someone to craft for you is normally thought of as an extremely personal thing in much of the crafting world, and a lot of people aren’t thinking your worthy right now.

The Yarn Harlot is calling for knitters to stay classy, and dare I say it?  Forgive the USOC. Or at least stay classy.  She brings up some good points about why people shouldn’t be as upset as they are… and they are very good points.  I understand the sentiment – as I said, I feel like there are few things that are worth getting angry over.

BUT.  I can’t help but returning to the tone of the original letter, and I think that Laurie at the Crochet Liberation Front articulates what is bothering me.  There’s an implied assumption that the fiberarts, which are traditionally a female craft (at least in the US in the last couple of decades) (even though there are a lot of very talented males out there) are not valued as much as people who are athletes (who can be male or female, but sports have also in the last couple of decades, been much more associated with men than women – look at the popularity of men’s vs. women’s college basketball – where is the women’s march maddness?).  And it just makes me tired and deeply frustrated because so many of my hobbies are devalued just because they are considered “crafty” or “womanly.” (I face the same problem with Romance Novels, and don’t get me started on that).

I don’t really know how to fix this, except to say that being “classy” doesn’t seem to work.  Being classy – or at least not engaging when someone says something stupid out of ignorance or arrogance or sheer stupidity doesn’t get things changed.  I’ve been talking to a lot of people over the last 24 hours, explaining why I’m angry and why I think these people acted in ignorance, and how to fix it.

I’m going to be writing a real paper letter to you – in fact, it’s half finished.  I’m going to be writing on your facebook page and talking on twitter.  I’m going to talk to people in person.  I’m not going to be disrespectful, but I am going to be assertive.

Maybe next time you might think a bit more before you write a letter.

Crafting Spaces

UntitledInspired by a few people who where talking about their knitting nooks and where they work on the Three Irish Girls forum, and also a post or two that I cam across in the last week (which I now can’t find the source… oh well).  I thought I would share some pictures the new place Michael and I have moved into.

By new place, I mean we’ve been here for more than two months, but before now, it hasn’t really quite felt like home, just the place we crashed.  I’m starting to feel proprietary toward the place, which tells me that it’s starting to feel like home.

UntitledSo, my time is divided by two places.  Most of my blogging and pattern writing happens at the computer desk that I share with Michael.  However, since I spend more time there, I have my bookshelf right next to the desk space.  I do have to try my best to keep the desk space clean, because Michael also uses it, but now, after a few years of sharing a desk, he’s become quite tolerant of my mess.

When I’m just working on a project or a sample, swatching or doing other things, I’ll put a show I don’t have to watch on my computer (or put a book on tape on) and work at the couch.  I’ve got an ottoman where things get thrown into when I’m not working on them, so Michael doesn’t sit on them and they don’t get tangled or ruined.

UntitledStuff that needs to be blocked or needs to be spread out is put on the kitchen table.  I can add two leaves to it, and then stick my mats on it to block something big out.

Finally, if I’m just crocheting for fun I’ll settle into the comfy chair, but the comfy chair is only really for work that isn’t under a deadline, because most times when I’m in this chair?  I end up drifting off or falling asleep.  Also, this chair is comfy, but not so much when you are trying to get real work done… it doesn’t provide much back support.
 So now that I’ve shared my work space, what does yours look like?  Tell me about it, or post some pictures and link back.  I love to look at where other people work.

Michael Sorting Patterns

Michael was helping me organize some old pattern books as we worked to finish unpacking into our new place before his parents arrived the next day.  Partway through, he started flipping through some of the books and commenting on him.  This, to the best of my ability, marks his observations on some rather… interesting photos from an old knitting pattern book.  (Side note: please read all comments with as much innuendo as you can muster.  Also, Michael is a bit of an elitist when it comes to schools.  Davidson (our alma mater) is the “Ivy League” of the South, and since the South is better than the North, Davidson is better.  And, lest you argue that Duke is on the caliber of Davidson, Michael will let you know that Duke has neither an honor code or a free laundry service.)
Men’s Book: Skiing, Ducking and Golfing, Just what three guys like to do on a Saturday afternoon.  (Jen’s note: I love how one guy is planning on going skiing, another golfing, and another is just holding a wooden duck.  Put a bird on it! Takes new meaning.)

There, Steve, that’s where we’re going to go.
Hey, wanna see my Sword.  Look at that line of eyesight.  You know what’s going on there.  They’re probably from Harvard too.  Harvard dudes would be like that.
Do I look spiffy in this Cardigan.  He also looks like Pierce Brosnan.
Huh.  He’s totaly from Yale.  Look at those eyes.  He’s like I’m holding a penicl and this is a globe. What are you doing tonight.  And I’m wearing a sweater vest-cardigan thing.  Look at him, he thinks he looks so spiffy.
OOOH.  Zippers, seriously?  That’s funny.  He’s also a Yaleie.  He’s like, I’m going to take your picture, pose for me.  I’m looking good in this sweater/cardigan.
*Laughs*  Nice… rackets you have there.  That’s what she’s saying.  He says, I know, let’s go play with my shuttlecock.  I don’t know where they’re from.,  They’re wearing white, which says southern to me, no self-respecting southerner would pose suggestively like that.  I got it.  They’re from Princeton.
Oh, it’s old man bowling!  I don’t know if he’s actually posing, he looks a little natural.  Strikes every time, with that sweater in his bowling league.
He is totally from Yale.  Just look at thsi face, he’s like, that’s right, birdies, they’re all mine.  Look at the smug cock of his left shoulder. Because he’s wearing that knit/sweater/polo thing.  He thinks he’s all that.
With English accent.  I am sir goodfrey.,  This is my knitted chain-male.  Look as I pose with my helmet with my coquests from the far east.  I think he’d look better with a mustache.
I’m not sure what to think about him.  He’s creepy.  Definitely from Cornell.  He’s just sitting there.  So, I throw the pidgen, will you shoot skeet with me?  Seriosly, who would ever wear something like that if you’re going to shoot skeet?  Obviously if you’re a yuppie going to Cornell you would.
Ooh, here’s one.  Definitely harvard.  He’s like, India. I’ve been to India once.  I saw it on my yaght, well, from my yaght.  I’m going to mark it on my globe as a place I’ve been to.
Harvard’s from Boston, right?  He’s from Harvard, ’cause he’s got ice skates.  He’s like, “want to help me sharpen my skates?”  Plus the cabling on this sweater really makes me go fast.  That and the creases in my pants.
Son, let me show you how to handle a firearm.  Gee, golly willikers, it dad, it looks like you hit him from here.  Up, no more trespassers.
Yey!  We’re so great we’re going to hold a trophy.  Okay, I’m done with this one.

The Ongoing Adventures of Knitting with Wee Ones

It’s about time I give you an update on Sweetness and Light, since we haven’t visited them in a while.

It’s been a rather rough winter for all of us.  There’s been very little snow, which makes it hard for us to go out and play outside… snow is much more fun to play in when it’s cold than going to playgrounds.  As a result I’ve been having to scrape the bottom of the barrel finding ways to keep them entertained.  There’s only so many days we can go into the city to see the Smithsonian or even go the the Airplane Museum, which is closer to home.

(On a side note, Mrs. D, as she’s known at the College Park Library, is amazing)

Hence, Sweetness and I have been working on our knitting.  She’s coming along nicely.  We still haven’t learned purling, but she’s developed on her own a style of knitting that’s a little Picking and a little Throwing, and a lot her own.

Light has decided she wants to learn.  Now, I’m all for teaching kids early, but Light is 2 1/2 (the half is important!) and not quite there yet.  She’s sit in my lap for ten minutes and work with both our hands on the needles, but that’s about it.  Which is actually quite impressive that she lasts for ten minutes.  Then she’ll take up her own needles, and “pretend” to knit.

Well, I couldn’t help snapping this picture the other day, when I realized the picture we made.

Sneak Peak: Ideas for a Name?


277I’ve got a sneak peak for you today. I’ll even tell you what yarn it’s in. Three Irish Girls Aiden on Adorn. Try not to drool too much.

Got an idea on the name of them? The stitch pattern kinda reminds me of Totoro, and well, if you can’t figure out by the link then you’ll just have to go ask a friend.

So, any ideas?

286In other news, Sweetness fell and smooshed her hand between her scooter and the ground.  It was bleeding, and I didn’t have a band-aid (hence why you should always have a paper towel with you… I do!).  But luckily, I had some TIG, to save the day.  She was pretty excited that my special yarn got to be part of her bandage.

So, do you have any inventive ways that you’ve used your yarn lately, besides the obvious?


192Hello Yarnies,

I must share this.  This wonderful, wonderful green.

It is really, really spring.  We have left winter behind us.  I know, we’re weeks into spring, but I’m so heady with it not being winter, that each change is a new revelation.

For instance, my morning bikeride is actually cooler than it was a week ago.  The reason why?  A week ago there were not leaves on the trees.  Now there are, and the shadows cast in the morning don’t help me get any warmer.

I’m actually quite OK with that.

In other news, I’ve got a few things in the works.  Swirl socks are being test-knit, another pattern is in the pipeline, while another one is still in the designing stages.  Plus, I think I’m going to be able to score a dress form over the summer, which will make sizing things SO much easier.
There’s also a whole bunch of things going on behind the scenes that I can’t really talk about, but just you wait.  As they come to fruition, I’ll keep y’all posted.

Until later,

Look, No Hands!

I mentioned that I take care of a sister duo, Sweetness and Light, ages four and one-and-a-half. I’ve been teaching Sweetness how to knit.

Well, this video should say it all. Listen carefully, you will hear Sweetness insisting that she can do it all by herself, without me. I, in the background, am trying VERY hard not to help when I see her struggling. Thank goodness she’s smart enough to insist she do it herself, because if it were up to me I’d always want to be helping.

Just take note here: Not only does she wrap the stitch the right way, but she can pick up dropped stitches.