Farmer’s Market Sushi Recipe #2

As I mentioned last week, I’ve served Michael a challenge: to make me a sushi roll using ingredients from the farm share each week. This week’s farm-share was filled with greens, carrots, strawberries and lettuce of various sorts.  I’ll be sad to see the strawberries go, I think next week will be our last week.

Week 2 Sushi Recipe

The Sauce:
1 tsp mayo
1 spash soy sauce
1 dash sugar
2 pinches ginger

Mix sauce and serve with or over the Sushi.

1 carrot, shaved
frisse (basically, frilly baby endive)
green onion
2 strawberries

Arrange ingredients on mat, add sauce, and roll.

My thoughts: the ginger went surprisingly well with the strawberries. I’m still not sold on strawberries in a roll, I don’t think their lack of structure goes over well (on the other  note, avocado doesn’t hold structure  well either, and I like that just fine).  I think this roll worked better than last week’s.