Sweetness and Light

Poor Light.  Sweetness’s gotten a new bike, and she’s really thrilled about it.

To tell the truth, I’m pretty thrilled about her biking too, because Sweetness has been getting rather heavy over the winter (she’s five now!  FIVE) and hauling the two of them around meant I was pulling an awful lot of weight.

So we’ve been going on a bunch of bike rides as Sweetness has gotten more and more confident with her bike, an I’ve gotten more and more sure that she’s able to stay in control of her bike, which dictates where I’m willing to take her.

This means Light’s taken to riding in the back of the trailer all by herself, which she has mixed feelings about.  On one hand, she’s pretty thrilled about all the extra room she has, on the other hand, she misses having her sister to play with and read books with as I haul them around.  She also doesn’t appreciate all the attention Sweetness has been getting.

Still, Light did pretty well the other day, drawing and taking “notes” in her notebook as we went along a trail.  She still will pipe up when I’m going slow and up a hill, telling me “You can do it, Jen!  You can do it!”

Well, we were going up a hill, and it was rather hard, and she said something too me about paper and her helmet.  Not really understanding, but getting the gist that it was about preventing them from blowing away, I just made the noises any adult makes when they’re only half listening, because we’re concentrating on something else.  I put the conversation out of my mind after that until we got home.

When I got home, I went to take of Light’s helmet and lo and behold, I find nearly two dozzen “notes” in her helmet wadded up.  I go and ask her, “What’s this?”

Very solemnly Light replies, “I was keeping them from blowing away.”

To this I have to say, good job light, I would have never thought of that myself.