A Number of Housekeeping Items

This next week (July 21-25), I’m going to be running the second session of my daycamp, String Theory, with Montgomery County College.  If you were thinking about signing up, it is already full, although there is a wait list.  There is a third week of the camp running from July 28th to August 1st.  If you are over the age of 16, this camp is not for you, sorry.  Kids only.


This means that I have some mornings and evenings free.  If you have missed me terribly since I’ve moved, or you’ve been needing help with that tricky sweater, or you were looking for special instruction of one sort or the other, shoot me an email.  I’d be happy to set up a private lesson with you!

I’ve been using this break week to work on a number of things I haven’t been able to get to.  Oh, the amoun
t of design subs I’ve gotten off this week… I can’t even tell you.

Meanwhile I’ve been working on a few designs that I’m releasing on my own or in conjunction with a few other parties.  Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything has been my good friend.  I love listening to books on tape when I’m doing some marathon knitting/crochet, but I prefer non-fiction.  If you’ve got suggestions for any good non-fiction to listen to on audio, let me know.  I’ve nearly run out of Bryson’s backlist.  Other non-fiction pieces I’ve really enjoyed: The Disappearing Spoon and The History of Hand Knitting have been good.  I’ll give preference to science/history/textile stuff, since that’s where most of my interest is, but I’ll take nearly any recommendation.

Also, anyone have any good recomendations for workout videos?  All this traveling has make a consistent bike schedule really hard, and I gotta get in some other way to move.  I’d love some dance based stuff, and I’m looking for a good balance that includes a lot of stretching.  Yoga based things need not apply – yoga (even though I have many people who have been telling me how wonderful it is) and I don’t get along.  I think I really need to take some good beginner classes.

Michael and I borrowed a corded drill this week so week could hang our shelving units.  Boy, what a difference it makes!

This little shelf is perfect for putting detergent and other laundry supplies on.

Then, we got up a shelf in the dinning room:

The perfect place to put teacups and other pretty display items – where the cat’s can’t knock them over.
And also in the Laundry Room, some extra shelves:
Let me tell you, getting these up isn’t easy.

What a difference it makes to not only have the shelves and other things up off the floor, but to also get things off the floor by putting things in them.  We’ve nearly got all the different “public” places in the house under control.