5 Ways to completely Mess up your Knitting or Crochet

The other day I was giving a private lesson, and my student mentioned she couldn’t wait for the day when she stopped making mistakes in her knitting.  I laughed.  When I stopped, she asked me what was so funny.  I told her, “You never stop making mistakes.  You just figure out how to make worse ones.”

Fixing mistakes kit.
Today’s been one of those weeks where mistakes just keep happening.  I finally had to put my work down, but I can say with confidence here are 5 really good ways to make mistakes with your knitting or crochet:
  1. Watch something entertaining while stitching.  It’ll get you every time.
  2. Knit or crochet while in a dimly lit pub with friends.  Bring your lace work, with lots of yarn overs.
  3. Bring the project where you need to repeat each row to yourself as you make it to sit and stitch.  Start talking about whatever with your friends.  Look down. Realize you started working your last repeat halfway through the row.
  4. Pull the wrong DPN completely out of your sock. Neglect to pick up one of your stitches.
  5. Decide that you don’t really need a lifeline.  Mess up and have to pull back completely to the beginning.
What are some of the best ways you’ve made a mistake with your work?  Share, so other people can learn!