On the Stands Now: My Interview with Inside Crochet

Inside Crochet Cover
Just a quick note from me this Friday afternoon, as I attempt to beat back my email inbox.

CaptureIf you live in the UK, or happen to get Inside Crochet Magazine, you should go take a gander at the issue.  I’ve got an interview with the Deputy Editor, Rhian Drinkwater, in a feature titled “Crochet Entrepreneurs!

We talk about a number of my upcoming patterns, a few of my role models, and how I got my start!

I also talk about something that really made me feel vulnerable, but I think talking about it is important: making mistakes.

You can pick up an online copy here, or buy it wherever the magazine is sold.  And if you’re in the UK, take a picture of it if you come across it and send it to me!  It’s my first international publication I’ve been in!