Decopage Your Duct Tape Dress Form

I got a note today from one of my students that was in my Duct Tape Dress Form class at Fibrespace.  Stacy had told me when the class was over that she wanted to decopage her dress form when she got home – which I thought was a great idea!  I told her to let me know how it went if she did decide to go through with the endeavor.

Earlier this week I got an email from Stacy, with impressive results.  Take a look at right.

Didn’t it come out lovely?

This is what Stacy said about her experience: “I think I used about 1 1/2 yards – it was leftover, and my hints would be to use strips of fabric which I didn’t in the beginning, but they worked much better. I used about a 50/50 mix of dollar store white glue and water mixed in a pie tin and oh yeah, do it somewhere where you don’t mind glue water dripping. I also used some small straight pins to hold things up when they didn’t want to stick.”

Stacey wasn’t quite happy with the shape of how her bust turned out – she had worn a sports bra when we made the form.  This was her solution: “I took an old bra, stuffed it with paper and put it on, taped it up and then did the fabric… just in case any one else cares that their form is less endowed than they believe they are!”

Have you ever done decopage?  What were the results?  Any of you make a dress form and then adapt it after the fact?  What did you do?